My sincere wish for you is that 2019 will become your best, most profitable year in business to date.

With that in mind, let’s dive into today’s topic:


Lies as grand as the ones I am about to reveal need The Perfect Place to be told. 

So join me now at the perfect campsite, high in the mountains, with tents pitched.  Gear stowed.  A star-filled sky.  A perfect temperature.  Everyone happy, relaxed, and gathered around the blazing campfire after enjoying a wonderful meal under the stars. 

As we dive in, recall two things.  First, if something seems too good to be true, odds are it’s not true.  And second, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

The BIG PROMISE and the BIG LIE that seduces smart business owners to abandon more effective marketing, and pour recourses into a contact strategy that produces questionable results at best, are the same. 

The social media gurus tell us marketing through social media is fast, easy, and effective. They tell us you can reach millions of prospects, and somehow, (magic?), get those prospects to stop what they’re doing.  Ignore their life.  And follow you to the cash register.

When that doesn’t work so well, and you have no ROI for all your new-age social media marketing efforts, you’re told you just don’t understand.  Be patient.  Believe.  And spend more, so you can capture the ‘long-tail’.  Then you will rule the world.

You’re told to never ‘sell’ on social media because all those GREAT prospects think it’s vulgar.  Instead, blog.  Give away content.  Push the free line.  Build a relationship before you attempt something as crude as suggesting you have a product or service that may help someone GET SOMETHING THEY WANT, like more money, freedom, or time – OR – AVOID SOMETHING THEY DON’T WANT, like tiredness, fatigue, or being stuck in a low paying job and too broke to retire.

And DOUBLE SHAME ON YOU if you are so crude as to actually suggest you want someone to BUY something from you.  Perish the thought!

The Biggest Lie Of All

The BIGGEST LIE about social media marketing is that it exists. 

In the real world, where billions of dollars of products and services are sold every day, there is NO SUCH THING as social media marketing.  There is only MARKETING – and you are either marketing your product or service or wasting time doing something else.

If you attended Dan Kennedy’s Cleveland event in June 2018, I’m certain you remember the segment where Dan spent half an hour showing the direct response PRINT ADS and DIRECT MAIL PIECES digital giants like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and other huge companies that dominate the digital universe use EVERY DAY to sell their products and services.

Dan’s point was simple. If reaching and persuading people digitally is so powerful… why do the biggest, most successful companies that dominate the Web use DIRECT MAIL, PRINT ADS, and radio and television to sell their products.

In part, the answer is; as big as online sales are, OFFLINE DIRECT RESPONSE MEDIA, (print, direct mail, radio, television) accounts for over EIGHTY PERCENT, (80%) of all sales in the US.

So besides the shocking etiquette prohibition of never suggesting you have something to sell in a social media setting… if you spend your marketing dollars exclusively on social media marketing, whatever that is, that means you ignore a full 80% of your potential customers, clients, patients or patrons.

As a direct-response copywriter and direct-response marketer who has sold well over a hundred million dollars in goods and services through direct mail, direct response print ads, and direct response radio ads, I agree with Dan Kennedy; 1) there’s no such thing as social media marketing. There’s only MARKETING. And in the real world, where billions of dollars of products and services are sold every day, OFFLINE sales beat ONLINE sales by a factor of 8 to 2. Not particularly close if you ask me.

Peter Drucker taught, that the purpose of marketing is to make selling superfluous.  You do that by understanding your prospects so well, that you can get their attention. Hold their interest. And get them excited about having your product or service, before they ever contact you. 

This is what marketing is all about.  Identifying good prospects for your product or service. Getting their attention. Answering questions. Handling objections. And getting them to WANY your product or service BEFORE they ever contact you. If you’re not doing that, you’re not marketing.

The RELATIONSHIP you can build with a prospect that leads to a SALE is the relationship between WHAT YOUR PROSPECT WANTS, and HOW YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE WILL GIVE IT TO THEM. All the warm fuzzy stuff of social media is nice.  But without that connection BETWEEN WHAT YOU SELL – AND WHAT THEY WANT, you have nothing.  And with that connection, you don’t need the warm fuzzy stuff. 

With that said, this is Russell Martino, The Conquest Copywriter and author of What Makes Persuasive Sales Copy Persuasive, (available on Amazon), wishing you the health, happiness, and EXCELLENT MARKETING throughout the New Year. 

Oh… one more thing. If you sell a high-dollar product or service, and like the idea of getting a POWERFUL message directly in the hands of people ideal to benefit from, and who can easily afford your PREMIUM product or service, READ THIS LETTER – and YOUR MIND WILL BE ON FIRE with ideas on the most effective way to reach, and persuade good prospects to do business with you. Enjoy!

If you care to speak, send an email to or text me at 281-460-0181 to set up a time. Or just phone 281-460-0181 and BE SURE and leave a message.

If you want more details before having that conversation, request a printed copy of my Special Report SELL MORE- START NOW and read it online. 

This report will answer all your questions and gives you a number of powerful marketing strategies you may apply with or without my help and begin to benefit from immediately.


Russell Martino – The Conquest Copywriter